
Sally Ride

Page history last edited by cheyennee 14 years, 8 months ago

     I would like to do my project on Sally Ride because she inspires many every year Sally Ride also never gave up on becoming the first American woman in space. I like science and have wondered what type of things Miss Ride would see in outer space. Sally Ride created her own company so she could help young women pursue their interests. She also served on the presidential commission to investigate a shuttle explosion! Sally Ride also beat 1,000 other applicants for the spot in the NASA astronaut program. I would like to learn more about what inspired her to become and astronaut and astrophysicist. I would also like to learn more about what an astrophysicist does.


                         To learn more go to this Link





In 1983, Sally Ride flew in to space as a mission specialist.  Those few days in space she will remember as a lifelong dream being accomplished.  On May 26, 1951, America’s first woman astronaut was born in Los Angeles, California.  The proud parents of this little girl were Dr. Dale Ride and Joyce Ride.  Dr. Dale Ride taught political science at Santa Monica College.  Sally’s Mom, Joyce Ride, also worked as a teacher.  Sally also had a younger sister, named Karen.  

Sally and her family traveled in Europe for a whole year, when Sally was nine.  Sally did not attend school during these times, instead, she was homeschooled.  When the Rides returned, Sally skipped a grade.  Sally loved sports, she often played with the neighborhood kids.  Sometimes she was the only girl the boys would allow to play with them.  Sally also loved reading.  As a matter of fact she could read by the age of    5.  She also loved science.  When Sally was eleven years old she took tennis lessons from Alice Marble, who was a great tennis player.

Sally won a partial scholarship to a private high school because of good grades and tennis.  Sally then attended Swarthmore College for a year and a half.  After that, she returned to California from Pennsylvania to study at Stanford University.  Sally understood Shakespeare as doing puzzles and finding clues.   Sally earned two degrees, one in English and one in science.

In 1978, Sally Ride joined NASA.  In 1982, Sally married Steven Hawley, who also worked with NASA.  Sally and Steven had no children. Sally and Steven decided to have no kids because of Sally’s experience as a babysitter with children that were very fussy.

 In 1989, Sally lived in California with her husband.  When Sally was chosen to be the first American woman in space, she was very excited.  Sally rode in the Challenger for six days.  During those six days, Sally operated many projects and had a lot of fun.  There were two ways of sleeping in the shuttle, and Sally chose to use the sleeping bag system.  When eating and using the lavatory, a lot of Velcro was involved.  Sally had another rocket experience as well, only this time she spent eight days in space.  During this rocket experience, one of Sally’s Co. workers became the first American woman to walk on the moon. This trip was a success just like the other ride.  In January 1986, Sally Ride was chosen to help investigate the challenger disaster.  She figured out that in cold weather, a seal had failed to work on a rocket booster.  Many of Sally’s friends were on the shuttle that exploded.  Sally was supposed to take a third trip into space but she never did after the terrible accident of the Challenger.

Later, in her life Sally had a divorce with her husband.  In 1987, Sally left NASA and became a physics professor at Stanford University.  In 1999, Sally became president of a website that gives information about outer-space.  The website is www.space.com     In 2001, Sally created a club to help girls pursue their dreams.  Sally Ride is most well known for that one ride into outer-space and becoming America’s first woman in space.





Good day- JK On the Air Presents the latest episode of “Fast and Furious Famous Americans”. Joining us today is our special guest -Sally Ride- who will be talking to us about her life.


Interviewer: Welcome, Sally Ride, we’re so happy that you could join us today.


Sally: I’m so glad that I could be with you today.


Interviewer: To begin our show, let’s start at the beginning of your life. What were some of your hobbies and interests as a little girl?


Sally: As a little girl, I always loved playing sports with the neighborhood kids as well as science and reading.


Interviewer: Speaking of science as a school topic, were you good in school?


Sally: Well in school I got degrees in both science and English.


Interviewer: If you didn’t see the NASA advertisement, what job would you have liked to have?


Sally: I loved tennis and hoped one day I would be a pro tennis player, but one day I realized it just wasn’t the job for me.


Interviewer: While we are talking about jobs, how many people applied for your job, as an astronaut?


Sally: Over 8,000 people applied to be an astronaut but only 35 of those people were hired.

Well, that’s all for today. Thank you so much for joining us Sally Ride. We hope you all enjoyed our show and don’t forget to tune in again for another episode of “Fast and Furious Famous Americans”.





Hurwitz Jane.  Sally Ride Shooting for the Stars.  New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1989.


Raum Elizabeth.  Sally Ride.  Chicago, Illinois:  Heinemann Library, 2006.


Gomez Rebecca.  Sally Ride.  Minnesota:  ABDO Publishing Company, 2003.


Blacknall Carolyn.  Sally Ride America’s First Woman in Space.  Minneapolis, Minnesota: Dillon Press, 1984.


“Sally Ride Biography”.  4/1/2010.  http://www.biography.com.


“Sally Ride Biography”. 4/5/2010.  http://www.jsc.nasa.gov



Comments (6)

RebeccaM said

at 1:15 pm on May 3, 2010

Awesome comic! I love all the information and having the little speech bubbles in the corner help me understand on what is going on! Have fun studing her! :)

cheyennee said

at 2:05 pm on May 6, 2010

Thank you.

AlexisW said

at 6:15 pm on May 9, 2010

i think she is very interesting!Also I love your comic!

cheyennee said

at 2:37 pm on Jun 9, 2010


Jacelyn said

at 9:36 am on Jun 14, 2010

Nice picture . I like the things from pixton.

ErinP said

at 6:27 pm on Jun 14, 2010

The pixtan thing is cool

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