
Eleanor Roosevelt

Page history last edited by KaylaH 14 years, 7 months ago

I want to study Eleanor Roosevelt because she was a strong woman who stood up for other people. Eleanor was a very helpful person, and I am too.

          “Tomorrow is now” was Eleanor Roosevelt’s motto. She was worked to make the world a better place by helping people anyone in need.

          Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884. Her parents’ names were Anna and Elliot. Ever since Eleanor was little she empathized with others.  One time a boy with no shoes had to walk beside a donkey.  Roosevelt let the donkey boy ride because he was tired of walking and had no shoes on. When she got home her father asked her is she was afraid, ride but replied that she felt sorry for the donkey boy and I let him ride. Sadly Roosevelt’s mother died when she was 8 years old, her luck got even worse when her father died at the year of 1894 when she was just 10. She went to live with her grandmother who was very strict.  As a girl, Roosevelt cried herself to sleep because she was not pretty. She looked so serious all the time so her grandmother called her “Granny”. She did not like that nickname.

     In 1889 Roosevelt’s grandmother sent Roosevelt to Allenswood, which was a boarding school in England.  She was welled like by students and teachers.  The headmistress taught her how to help people.  While she was at school Uncle Theodore Roosevelt, was the President of the United States of America. He was very popular. Some dreams and aspirations Eleanor had was to help others. A servant, Madeline took care of her and often yelled at her and even pulled her hair.          

     In   1902, she came home to New York from school. Her grandma had fancy parties but she didn’t like them because she enjoy talking to the people there. However Roosevelt loved talking to her distant cousin Franklin. She took him to the Settlement House.  He took her to college. Football games at his school. In time, they fell in love. 

               Franklin and Eleanor got married in 1905. The guests cared less about the bride and groom. They were focused on the President Theodore Roosevelt and listened to what he had to say. Franklin and Eleanor had 6 children together!  Sadly 1 son died which made 5, 4 boys and 1 girl. They were in New York City then moved to Washington DC. She didn’t technically have a job but she helped Franklin check prisons and hospitals because he couldn’t walk which was due to the polio. Hardships she faced as an adult were one of her kids died when it was still a baby, and her husband had polio so he could never walk again. She encouraged him to still go after his dreams.

Millions of people lost jobs, she help serve food for the poor (who didn’t have jobs or just poor). It was difficult to be President of First Lady. She wrote a daily news column. She traveled to cities, towns, and farms and into coal mines to speak to the poor to encourage to keep going. She visited American soldiers during World War 2 she brought letters from families.                         April 12, 1945 Franklin died but Eleanor didn’t stop helping people. She moved out of the White House. After World War 2 ended representative at the United Nations she talked with other countries to keep peace. She also is the chairperson of the Commission of Human Rights. November 7, 1962 Eleanor Roosevelt died.   




Eleanor Roosevelt picture         http://newdeal.feri.org/images/ad22.gif


Jacobson, Ryan    Eleanor Roosevelt.  Mankato, Minnesota: Captone Press


Listen to An Interview with Eleanor Roosevelt

Comments (5)

Ivey said

at 4:25 pm on Apr 22, 2010


KaylaH said

at 8:20 am on Apr 29, 2010

Thanks i didn't want to be her though

AlexisW said

at 6:08 pm on May 9, 2010

Have a great time studing her.

KaylaH said

at 8:20 am on May 13, 2010


KaylaH said

at 11:08 am on Jun 14, 2010

Good luck @ the presentation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8v)

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